This are will tell you how to configure SSO for Gladstone Reporting (Sisense)
Configuration of SSO for Gladstone Reports
- Log in to your Azure account.
- Expand the left-hand menu:
- Go to Azure Active Directory
- Select Enterprise applications:
- Under the All Applications section, select New application:
- Create your own application for ‘Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery’ purpose, name it Sisense:
- Under Overview > Assign users and groups, configure access permissions for your SSO integration. Once configured, go back to Overview and switch to Set up single sign-on:
- Select SAML type of the SSO:
- Edit Basic SAML Configuration with the following settings:
Identifier (Entity ID)
Reply URL
(Assertion Consumer Service URL) |<tenantname>/api/v1/authentication/login_saml_callback
* replace <tenantname> with your tenant name provided by Gladstone |
Once saved, go to Edit User Attributes and claims.
10. Use Add New Claim to add the following attributes
11. Return back to the Single Sign-On page and copy the following parameters:
12. It is required to fill the Relay State field in, it is marked as optional at provider side:
RelayState is a parameter that identifies a specified destination URL your users will access after signing in with SSO. Set this to the path to the main page: “<tenantname>/app/main#/home” - this will be provided by Gladstone.
13. Provide the Login URL, Logout URL & Certificate (Base64) to Gladstone to finish configuring.