Configuring Single Sign On (SSO) for Gladstone Reporting (Sisense)

This are will tell you how to configure SSO for Gladstone Reporting (Sisense)

Configuration of SSO for Gladstone Reports

  1. Log in to your Azure account.

  2. Expand the left-hand menu:

  3. Go to Azure Active Directory

  4. Select Enterprise applications:

  5. Under the All Applications section, select New application:

  6. Create your own application for ‘Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery’ purpose, name it Sisense:

  7. Under Overview > Assign users and groups, configure access permissions for your SSO integration. Once configured, go back to Overview and switch to Set up single sign-on:

  8. Select SAML type of the SSO:

  9. Edit Basic SAML Configuration with the following settings:


Identifier (Entity ID)
Reply URL
(Assertion Consumer Service URL)<tenantname>/api/v1/authentication/login_saml_callback

* replace <tenantname> with your tenant name provided by Gladstone


Once saved, go to Edit User Attributes and claims.

10. Use Add New Claim to add the following attributes

11.  Return back to the Single Sign-On page and copy the following parameters: 


12.  It is required to fill the Relay State field in, it is marked as optional at provider side:
RelayState is a parameter that identifies a specified destination URL your users will access after signing in with SSO. Set this to the path to the main page: “<tenantname>/app/main#/home” - this will be provided by Gladstone.
13. Provide the Login URL, Logout URL & Certificate (Base64) to Gladstone to finish configuring.