Single Sign-On (SSO): How to configure your Microsoft Entra account

A step-by-step guide to setting up with Microsoft Entra account in preparation for Gladstone SSO.


This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on all configuration requirements when activating the Gladstone SSO feature. All user access control will consequently be controlled through your Microsoft Entra tenant and no longer by the Gladstone core solution. Please be aware, this step should be done prior to configuring your Gladstone products.

Step 1: Configuration of your Microsfot Entra Tenant

  1. Log into yout Microsoft Entra Admin Center 

  2. On the left hand menu, select Identity > Applications > Enterprise Applications

    Enterprise Applications
  3. This should navigate you to Enterprise applications | All applications. Select the option "New application" underneath the title.

    New application
  4. Select "Create you own application"

    create application
  5. Enter a name for the application, for example GladstoneGo. This is just a label to identify it within the Entra admin center, so the naming won't affect the integration. Select the "Integrate any other application" option and select Create.

    Naming your Entra application
  6. This will populate your new application and provide an Overview page. Select "Users and Groups" from the left hand menu (it may also be available in the Getting Started menu). This will take you to a page where Users and Groups on your Entra tenancy can be assigned access to the SSO integration.

    Note: As this SSO feature covers access for both Operator and Gladstone360, permissions for the applications themselves are configured within the Gladstone Management Console as previous.

    Assign users and groups
  7. Once users and groups have been assigned, select the "Single Sign-on" option from the left hand menu (or "Set up single sign" on in the Getting Started menu)

    select sso

  8. Select "SAML" as the single sign-on method

    Select SAML option

  9. Select "Edit" on the Basic SAML Configuration section

    Select edit SAML

  10. Within the Entity ID section, provide the following configuration details:
    1. Identifier =
    2. Reply URL =

      Enter Entity credentials
  11. Within the SAML Certificates section, copy and make note of the "App Federation Metadata Url". This will be required when configuring Operator.

    Make note of metadata url