MWS: Overview of Payments API calls

Overview of Payments API calls

AddBillingAccount(obj request)

This method inserts or updates a member’s billing account.

AddSubHolderBillingAccount(obj request)

This method inserts, updates or deletes a sub-member’s billing account.

CreditMember(obj request)

This method allows specified sales and payments to be credited back to a member’s account.

GetMemberBillingAccountSummary(obj request)

This method retrieves information for a member’s billing account.

GetMembersInvoiceDetails(obj request)

This method enables a member’s invoices to be retrieved according to given search criteria.

GetNextOnlineAuthID (string paymentSiteID)

Get the next sequential id to be used in the PayInvoice method.

GetUnpaidDebt (int[] memberIds, bool includeLinkedMembers)

This webmethod returns all unpaid invoices for the array of member ids selected, and (if required) their linked members. The invoices can then be marked as paid using the PayInvoice method.

PayInvoice (int salesInvoiceId, int memberId, int onlineAuthId, string paymentSiteId) Call this method to mark a Plus2 sales invoice as paid for a member.

This method is due to be deprecated in favour of PayInvoices().

PayInvoices (int[] salesInvoiceIds, int memberId, int onlineAuthId, string paymentSiteId)

Call this method to mark a Plus2 sales invoice as paid for a member. Allows a list of sales invoices to be paid in one call.

PrepareSalesInvicePayment(obj request)

Call this method when integrating with Payment Manager. The method returns a URL within Payment Manager for completing payment of sales invoices.

RetrieveProductPrice(obj request)

This method gets the prices for a number of specified products for a given member.

SellProductToMember(obj request)

This method raises a sale for a number of specified products for a given member.

TopUpMembersBillingAccount(obj request)

This method enables top ups to be applied to a member’s cashless billing account.