MWS: Overview of Login API calls

Overview of Login API calls

CleanupUserChanges (string systemName)

Used in conjunction with Integration Manager. Call this method to delete committed user change records for a given system. Call this method infrequently – typically once a day, at a quiet time. Running it could cause database blocking.

CommitUserChanges (string systemName, int runId)

Used in conjunction with Integration Manager. Call this method to mark as committed user update records for a given system and run id. Call this method after calling GetUserChanges and successfully storing those updated records in a third-party system. If this method is not run, the next time GetUserChanges is run, it will include the same records as previously, plus any additional changed records.

GetUserChanges (string systemName, int lastRunId, ref int runId)

Used in conjunction with Integration Manager. Call this method to return a list of all users whose records in Plus2 have been edited since the last time this method was run for the given system, and since the last run with the given id. The current run is returned in the runId parameter. After these updates have been recorded in your third-party system, call CommitUserChanges, passing in the same systemName and runId. All users are returned until the first run of CommitUserChanges, thereafter only added, changed or deleted users are provided.

GetUserDetailById (string id)

Call this method to get the Plus2 user details for a given user Id.

LoginMember (IdentificationType identificationType, string identificationValue, ValidationType validationType, string validationValue, string defaultSite)

Call this method to validate the member login details and creates a login token that can be used by other applications for auto login. This method will call ValidateMember() internally. It returns the login result object that includes the login token information.

LoginUser (obj request)

Call this method to validate the member login details from security service and return a login result.

RetrieveUser (obj request)

Call this method to retrieve the user details from Plus2 or security service for a given user id.

ValidateMember (IdentificationType identificationType, string identificationValue, ValidationType validationType, string validationValue, string defaultSite)

Call this method to validate the member login details. It returns the login result information object.

ValidateUser (string UserID, string encryptedPassword, string[]accessGroupIds)This method validates the user login details and returns a login result.