EyeQ: Online Sales Report

This article explains how to show information relating to online sales made via Connect, Join At Home or MobilePro within the last 6 months.

  1. Log into EyeQ and select Query Builder Create a Query.
  2. Add the following content into the Select Fields:
Table Fields
Sales Detail
  • Contact ID
  • Booking Cancelled
  • Gross Amount
  • Net Amount
  • Participation Date Time
  • Participation Site
  • Payment Method
  • Product ID
  • Quantity
  • Status
  • Status Date
  • Tax Amount
  • User ID
Contacts Detail Full Name
Product Hierarchy
  • Cost Centre
  • Department
  • Product
  1. Add the following content into the Conditions:
Table Fields
Sales Detail Payment Method
  1. Modify the condition to read Sales Detail Payment Method is equal to XXXX where xxxx represents the Payment Method for online transactions. Although individual database configuration may vary, the default Payment Method is traditionally WEB *.
  2. You may need to repeat step 4 if your online systems use independent Payment Methods remembering to change Select records where all of the following apply to Select records where any of the following apply.
  3. Select Save and provide a name for the report (E.g. Online Sales Report)
  4. Click Save and Open and choose Export as Pivot.
  5. Open the report in Excel remembering to Enable Content if prompted.
  6. Clicking inside the Pivot table, distribute the following fields as below:
Filters Columns
  • Sales Detail User ID
  • Sales Detail Booking Cancelled
  • Sales Detail Status
  • Sales Detail Payment Method
  • Sales Detail Contact ID
Sales Detail Status Date
Rows Values
  • Product Hierarchy Cost Centre
  • Product Hierarchy Department
  • Product Hierarchy Product
  • Sales Detail Quantity
  • Sales Detail Gross Amount
  1. Consider changing the Pivot Table Design to Show in Tabular View.
  2. Consider re-grouping Sales Detail Status Date if grouped.
  3. Consider using Do Not Show Subtotals.
  4. Consider updating the Gross Amount column from General formatting to Currency
  5. To remove cancelled bookings, consider changing Sales Detail Booking Cancelled to No.
  6. Use Sales Detail Status Date Filter to select an appropriate date range (e.g. Yesterday).
  1. Save the Excel Pivot table.
*. To verify the Payment Method used by online systems, perform the following checks:


Open Plus2 and navigate to Configuration System Configuration. Expand the Connect tab and scroll down to locate the Payment Method.

Join At Home

Open the GMC and navigate to Configuration Manager > Configuration. Select Join@Home from the Product drop-down menu. Expand Application Configuration and locate the Payment Method.


Open the GMC and navigate to Configuration Manager > Configuration. Select Advanced Web Service from the Product drop-down menu. Expand Payment Settings and locate the Payment Method.