Installing G360 Access Control Service

This article will guide you in re-installing the G360 access control service on a PC that is used to control gates, doors and turnstiles


This article is intended for use only when reinstalling the G360 access control service. Before proceeding, ensure that the G360 access control system has been previously commissioned by Gladstone, successfully tested, and verified as operational.

For new access control system commissioning or adding additional entry points to an existing setup, please contact your Regional Sales Manager


  • Local administrator privileges to install the software
  • The software downloaded from here

Config file preparation

  • Ensure on the local PC the following folders exist, if not then create
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\MRM Software\AccessControl
    • C:\Install
  • Move the downloaded software to C:\Install and re-name the folder to Access 
  • Using the software downloaded, create a copy of the AccessControlServiceInstaller.ini as a backup
  • Open AccessControlServiceInstaller.ini using Notepad++ or similar, a default file will display the following info

;Installation section defines installation directory
ServiceDisplayName=Gladstone Access Control Service
;Make sure the path exists
InstallDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\MRM Software\AccessControl

;Web Api Website Url

;Install for the following Site ID

  • The following sections need to be adjusted
    • WebApiUrl=http://localhost/Gladstone360/Access/Api
      • Adjust http://localhost to reflect the live URL in use, as an example WebApiUrl=
    • Site=
      • The site prefix can be obtained from either Plus2 or Gladstone360, as an example if the site was Head Office you would select Site=HO
  • Save the file and re-open to ensure the above info has saved correctly

Running the Installer

  • Open a Command Prompt as Administrator
  • Navigate to the installation folder containing the files, this will be C:\Install\Access
  • Type dir and you should see two files listed AccessControlServiceInstaller.ini and .msi
  • Type the following command
    • msiexec.exe /i AccessControlServiceInstaller.msi /lei install_1.txt
  • The installer will launch and display a progress bar as it runs through, An INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL! Message is displayed when complete
  • Any errors received during the installation will result in the service not installing correctly, review install_1.txt and search for the word 'error'. Areas to check if the install fails
    • command prompt is running as Administrator
    • The mentioned folders have been created
    • The WebApiURL is correct
    • The Site prefix is correct
  • Once checked, re-run the previous command increasing the number in install_1.txt, this is done so errors can be tracked

Post Installation Checks

  • Verify that the Gladstone Access Control Service is running on the local PC by checking the Services panel. If the service is running, stop it. This step is necessary to allow configuration changes later in the process. The service will be restarted at a later stage

Service Config File Configuration

The majority of the configuration file will be preconfigured by the WiX installer. However, additional setup is necessary to enable the service to listen on the designated COM port

  • Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\MRM Software\AccessControl and locate the file AccessControlHardwareService.exe.config, make a backup of this file
  • Open AccessControlHardwareService.exe.config using Notepad++ or similar
  • Locate the AppSettings section
  • By default, the com port settings are disabled (commented out) using !-- -- tags
    Remove these when configuring below


  • Uncomment the code relating to com port settings as shown below. In most scenarios you will only need to uncomment one line as only one com port will be in use


  • Via windows device manager, make a note of the com port connected to the hardware
  • Set com port value as required in the following format


  • Below is a breakdown on the config, only sections in BOLD need adjusting
    • Key= The com port to be used by the Windows Service
    • Value= Made up of 7 comma separated sections list below
      • BaudRate 9600
      • DataBits 8
      • StopBits1
      • handshake None
      • Parity None
      • NumberOfBoards - shown as the 2nd last number on the right (1-15) Number hardware ID control boards connected to this comport. This includes the main board and all secondary boards. As an example, a site with 6 entry points will need the number 7 in the config file
      • SwipeReaderPrefix - shown as the last number on the right (0-99)
        Swipe reader prefix configured against the entry points, this information can be obtained from the GMC under Configuration Manager / Gladstone360 Access / Entry Points or Plus2. Please refer to the internal Plus2 administrator of the system for this information
        • An example of this config is shown below

  • Save the file
  • Start the Gladstone Access Control Service to pick up the new details
  • Review the windows application event logs ensuring the service has started successfully. Look for events that show the com port being called, software versions around ID boards being displayed and the service us running. Waenings around gantner can be ignored

G360 Access Module

The system needs to be tested to ensure it is working as expected. Help maybe required from the internal Plus2 administrator of the system with the following

  • Browse to the main G360 URL and login
  • Open the Access module ensuring the correct Site and Screen layout has been selected
  • With a membership card/fob/QR code, swipe the entry points ensuring data is reported back
