MobilePro: How to Set Up Booking Scope Ids

How to Set Up Booking Scope Ids

The Gladstone Class Booking module lets your customers see a live list of classes, including how many spaces are free. Once they have logged in, they can book classes and, if the business rules they have set up in Plus2 permit, they can cancel bookings also.

  • Add a Class Booking module by clicking the +Module button 
  • In the module settings pane, you'll be asked to set up one or more Scope Ids. These are directly equivalent to Activity Group IDs in Plus2
  • The Scope Ids control which classes will be shown in that Class Booking module. Simply copy all the Activity Group IDs you want in that Class Booking module, separated by a comma.

You can have multiple Class Booking tiles/modules in your app home screen, so in the example above whereas they have all their classes in one booking module, they could arrange to have two booking modules, one for, say:


and another for 



Showing classes for one Site only

You may have one Activity Group that covers all classes for a number of different sites and you want to show only classes for one of those sites. In this case you can prefix the Activity Group ID with the Site ID, separated by a colon, to filter the classes by site.

For example, for

  • Activity Group FITC which shows classes across sites with Site IDs CLC, MSC and VOL
  • To show just classes for CLC, set the Scope ID to CLC:FITC
  • To show just classes for VOL, set the Scope ID to VOL:FITC
  • To filter across multiple Activity Groups, only enter the SiteID on the first, for example VOL:FITC1,FITC2,FITC3