How to navigate and operate Gladstone Reporting

This article will guide you in how to navigate and operate Gladstone Reporting

Overview of Gladstone Reporting

Gladstone Reporting, powered by Sisense is a comprehensive reporting suite designed for customers in the Hosted environment, providing easy-to-use, plug-and-play dashboard reports. This solution is a modern, accessible application for accessing and analysing key data, measures and metrics without the technical complexities often associated with traditional reporting tools.

Key Features of Gladstone Reporting

Pre-Built Dashboards

Gladstone Reporting provides a series of pre-configured dashboards that focus on different aspects of business performance, including:

  • Attendance
  • Bookings
  • Contact Demographics
  • Configuration
  • Prospects
  • Sales
  • Subscriptions

These dashboards feature a variety individual reports, also known as ‘widgets’, that present data in charts, tables, graphs and other formats.

Automatic Data Refresh

Reports are connected to an RDL (Reporting Data Layer) that updates once daily. Transformation times may vary depending on various factors including database size and server resources.

Ease of Use

Gladstone Reporting eliminates the need for technical expertise. Users don’t have to write their own reports or manually configure data. The system operates on a simple, point-and-click interface, making it user-friendly for everyone.

Drill Down Functionality

Each report allows for in-depth analysis. For example, if a report shows a total of 8,600 members, users can drill down to see individual member details, including names, contact information, membership type, and expiration dates.

Exporting Data

Gladstone Reporting allows users to export report data in various formats, including:

  • CSV
  • PDF
  • Image (for charts and graphs)
  • Excel

Data Connection

Gladstone Reporting does not connect directly to your live database for reasons that include performance, flexibility and report diversity. Instead, an overnight process creates a RDL (Reporting Data Layer) available from the Snowflake Data Warehouse, based in London, UK.

The term ‘live’ often seen inside Dashboard and report naming conventions refers to the live connection to the Snowflake Data Warehouse, not the connection to your organisation's database.

The speed at which data loads will depend on your internet connection. A highspeed stable connection will provide a fast and smooth experience, while slower connections may cause slight delays in load times.

The exact time of your RDL generation may vary depending on various factors including database size and server resources.

Accessing Gladstone Reporting

There are several ways to access content from Gladstone Reporting:


To access the Gladstone Reporting suite via a browser, visit:

Bookmark the URL for easy access or create a desktop shortcut.

Mobile App

You can also access the reports on-the-go via the Sisense Mobile BI app, available for download on the Apple App Store or Google Play App Store. While the App provides a mobile-friendly view of reporting, the smaller screen size might be less ideal for in-depth data analysis.

For Apple devices, visit the Apple App Store

For Android devices, visit Google Play App Store

Email Reporting

For those who prefer to receive Dashboard Report summaries directly in their inbox, Gladstone Reporting offers the ability to subscribe to dashboards. Users may opt to receive periodic updates (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly), sent via email. For security, Dashboards sent via email will not provide the ability to drill directly into the data behind the report. This functionality is only available when accessing reporting using the Website or Mobile App.

Accessing Gladstone Reporting

When you visit Gladstone Reporting, you must sign into your account. The sign-in screen prompts you to enter your cloud username and password.

To access Gladstone Reporting, you will need the following credentials:

Cloud Username

This is typically in the format:
(the same credentials used for other Gladstone services like Azure Virtual Desktop).


The same password linked to your cloud account.

For Mobile App Users

In addition to your Cloud Username and Password, the Mobile App will prompt you for a Server Address. This address is the same as the website URL:

Overview of the Main Screen

Upon successful login, you will be presented with a white screen that contains a Toolbar at the top centre and a Bookmarks section on the left-hand side.


Positioned at the top centre of the screen is the toolbar.

  • Analytics – includes the primary Dashboards and available reports.
  • Pulse – summary of the users configured Pulse notifications.


The left side of the screen displays a Bookmarks menu.

By expanding the Live Data Model Dashboards folder, followed by Dashboards, you will find access to the primary dashboards that are available in the system:

  • Attendance Dashboard
  • Bookings Dashboard
  • Contacts Dashboard
  • Configuration Dashboard
  • Prospects Dashboard
  • Sales Dashboard
  • Subscriptions Dashboard

Dashboards are always available for quick access and act as your navigation panel, helping you move between different sections of the platform.

Exploring Gladstone Reporting

Gladstone Reporting consists of several purpose-built Dashboards. Each Dashboard contains specific widgets encapsulating reporting data and information. In most circumstances, each widget supports the ability to Drill Down allowing the user to view the raw data that sits behind the report.


Dashboards available to users may vary according to permissions. Each Dashboard will contain several individual Widgets. Bespoke content can also be found under this heading and are controlled by permissions which may be set at both organisational and individual user levels.


A Widget is an individual report, measure or metric that summarises data. Widgets are available in various formats. The widget format will vary according to the data depicted. Widgets may be represented in raw formats such as numerical Indicators or as a Table. Others may utilise graphical representations such as Bar, Line, Area or Pie charts.

Drill Downs

Drill Downs provide the user with raw data and further insights summarised within the Widget. Where supported, additional Filters are also available from within the Drill Down offering the user additional customisation. Depending on the Widget, users may access the Drill Down using the following methods:

  • Numerical Indicator Widgets: Left click the value summarised within the Widget to reveal the Drill Down (where available).
  • Graphical Widgets: Right click a Widget element and select Jump to _drill (where available). Please note based on the specific chart element selected, the Drill Down may be pre-filtered. This can be identified from within the Filter list and amended accordingly.

Data represented in table formats is paginated, typically showing 25 records per page. Operating with large volumes of data, the entire dataset won’t be displayed at once to avoid clutter and long loading times. Users may scroll through the pages but be mindful that accessing large datasets may take some time.


Dashboards and Drill Down reports typically include Filters available on the right-hand side of the screen. Filters provide control over the data included within the report. Filters will vary according to the report content, design and purpose.

Gladstone Reporting provides Filters in three separate locations. These are summarised below:

  • Dashboard Filters are located down the right-hand side of the Dashboard and can control the content of compatible widgets. Users may also apply a Dashboard Filter by selecting compatible elements inside the Widget. Filters applied in this way will be indicated both within the Widget and on the Dashboard Filters list. Utilise the Clear Selection option available within the widget or update the Filter from the primary Dashboard Filters list to amend the selection. Please note that some widgets operate independently and therefore may be unchanged by the effects of filtering. Dashboard Filters are typically memorised by the application until updated by the user or by an administrator.
  • Widget Filters are only available when opening a Drill Down and may differ from the Dashboard Filters. Widget Filters will be reset after each use and cannot be memorised.
  • Formula Filters are applied to analytical formulas within the widget design. For example, a widget summarising the grand total of paid sales within a specific sample period will utilise formula filters. These filters will be applied to the total calculation and will take precedence over other filters. Formula Filters are applied by administrators only.

In order to clear all filters and restore the Dashboard to its default parameters, use Restore my default filters in the top right corner of the Filters pane denoted by a circular arrow.

Starred Filters

Starred Filters provide users with the ability to save current filter selections for future use, improving filter efficiency. Using Starred Filters, users can quickly apply previously saved filter configurations eliminating the need to manually recreate them.

In order to create a Starred Filter, users must first specify the initial selection from within the Filter. Once the appropriate selections have been made, the user may select the Starred Filter button and provide a memorable name. The name provided will then become available for selection in the Starred Filter drop-down list for the specified Filter only.

To remove a Starred Filter, simply select the name and click the Starred Filter button.

Exporting Data

Export your data to Excel, CSV, PDF, or an image format for further analysis or sharing. Data, once exported, will not have a direct connection to the source and will therefore not update automatically.

When exporting data, identify the Options button denoted by 3 horizontal dots in the top-right corner of the data you are exporting. Please note, the options button will only display when your cursor is directly over the data.

The Excel export option will only be available for widgets displaying data in table format with merged rows (Pivot Tables). When exporting using the Excel option, users are presented with two options:

  • Repeat rows: Displays repeating row values in each cell.
  • Merge rows: Merges cells with repeating row values.

Please note, exporting into Excel is limited to two million rows of data and may be slower to generate due to formatting. Exporting into CSV provides unlimited rows will be significantly faster to generate the file due to the absence of formatting.

Dashboard Subscription

Gladstone Reporting provides the ability for users to receive the contents of a qualifying Dashboard direct to an email inbox on a frequency selected by the user. Emails will be sent to the email address linked to the Cloud Username.

When configuring a Dashboard Subscription, users must locate the Email Report Settings option in the top right corner of the Dashboard denoted by an envelope icon. By default, the Dashboard Subscription service will be inactive. Toggle the Subscription Off / Subscription On option activate or deactivate the service.

Once the service is activated, users may choose which Email Report Format they wish to receive:

  • Embedded in Email: Widgets are embedded in the email body, arranged vertically.
  • PDF Attachment: The Dashboard is attached to the email as a PDF file. When using this option, users may click Edit/View PDF Report to define the formatting options including page size and orientation.

The Schedule options allow users to select their desired frequency for Dashboard Subscription emails. Monthly, weekly and daily email options are available.

Pulse Notification

Pulse Notifications enable users to stay up-to-date with the most important KPIs across their Dashboards. Users may opt to receive notifications by email or view the data recorded using the Pulse option in the Toolbar. Gladstone Reporting supports Pulse alerts for Widgets including Indicator, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Column Chart and Line Chart.

Prior to creating a Pulse, note that Dashboard Filters can be applied which may affect the Widget and its contents. Any Filters applied when creating a Pulse will be included within the Pulse logic. This may be advantageous when wishing to monitor specific Widgets where Filters have been applied to achieve the desired result.  

To create a Pulse against an Indicator, select the Options button denoted by 3 horizontal dots in the top right corner or the Widget and select Add to Pulse. For chart Widgets, right click the appropriate chart element and select Add to Pulse.

When creating a Pulse, users may define the conditions that trigger the alert. These conditions include the following:

  • Threshold: Assign a mathematical operator and a value that will generate an alert once the condition is met.
  • Automatic: Gladstone Reporting will notify the user based upon an anomaly within the data based on machine learning algorithms. The Automatic option will learn your data and eliminate noise to identify anomalies which don’t fit a pattern.
  • Always: Generate a regular Pulse regardless of if there has been a change in data or not.

The Alert Frequency configuration allows users to select their desired frequency for Pulse data capture. Minutes, hours or days options are available.  

Attendance Dashboard

The first half of the Attendance Dashboard utilises data recorded when contact records move through configured Entry points. These are physical locations such as receptions, kiosks, gates, electronic doors, or turnstiles connected to the Gladstone Software environment. Metrics include attendances within a given time frame per location and contact record. Attendance by contacts with subscriptions as well as attendance figures hourly, month on month and year on year comparisons. The second half of the Attendance Dashboard summarises attendance by Usage. Using this measure, a closer approximation can be obtained for attendance, particularly when multi-participant sports are involved (e.g. 5-A-Side Football, Badminton, ect).

Attendance Dashboard Widgets

Attendance Current Month / Last Month

Distinct count of contact record attendances in the current month verses last month.

Attendance by Price Level (Last 90 Days)

Percentage representation of contacts who attended site(s) in the last 90 days by Price Level.

Daily Attendance (Last 90 Days)

Representation of attendances over the last 90 days on a per day basis.

Top 10 Attendances by Subscription (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting the top 10 subscriptions creating the most attendances at site(s).

Attendances Month on Month

Representation of attendances over the last 36 months including a trend and forecast (requires minimum of 30 data points).

Attendances Year on Year

Representation of attendances over the last 36 months comparing year by year.

Attendance by Hour (Last 90 Days)

Representation of attendances per hour over the last 90-day period.

Usage (Last 90 Days)

Representation of usage by site over the last 90 days.

Top 10 Activities by Usage (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting the top 10 activities creating the greatest usage values over the last 90 days.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data

Customer behavioral analysis

Identify patterns and learn customer habits by reading the Attendances Month on Month and Attendances Year by Year widgets. Add granularity by examining customer Attendance by Hour to better understand the busy and quiet times of day to make effective use of staff resource.

Know your visitors

Drill into the attendance Current Month widget to reveal helpful statistics and demographic data for your visitors. Learn which sites are visited most frequently. Identify visitors by Gender and Age Group highlighting strong and weak demographics. Select the Unique Contact Records Drill Down to summarise a distinct count of contacts who visit once, or multiple times over a given period.  

Understanding footfall

Attendance can take several meanings. Widgets in the first half of the Attendance Dashboard define attendance by movements through Entry Points. Movements are recorded when a contact record interacts by virtue of a swipe, tap or scan of media (e.g. RFID tag, Barcode, etc), or when staff manually records attendance. The second half of the Attendance Dashboard will subtotal Usages per Activity and Activity Group. Usages are user defined values, assigned to products that estimate the total number of participants involved (e.g. 5-A-Side Football may be configured with a Usage equal to 10). Hence, whether you calculate attendance by Entry Point movements, or by count of participants involved in activities, the Attendance Dashboard provides the choice.

Bookings Dashboard

Within the Bookings Dashboard, there are several widgets providing different aspects of business intelligence. Bookings attended and non-attended are available which include contact record data in addition to dates, times, and activity. Learn the busy and quiet times of the day both in terms of booked activities and bookings made online and in-centre. Understand resource utilisation and report on specific Group Exercise classes to for optimisation.

Bookings Dashboard Widgets

Count of Bookings (Last 90 Days)

Graphical representation of all attended and non-attended bookings in the last 90 days.

Bookings Attended (Last 90 Days)

Total number of attended and non-attended bookings within the last 90 days.

Bookings Attended vs Booked (Last 90 Days)

Graphical representation of all attended and non-attended bookings in the last 90 days.

Bookings by Hour and Weekday (Last 90 Days)

Graphical representation of all bookings within the last 90 days by hour and weekday.

Bookings by Booked Time (Last 90 Days)

Graphical representation of all bookings made within the last 90 days by the time of day bookings were made.

Bookings Online vs In Centre (Last 90 Days)

Graphical representation of paid Bookings made Online vs In Centre over the last 90 days.

Resource Utilisation by Hour and Weekday (Last 90 Days)

Graphical representation of resource utilisation by hour and weekday in the last 90 days.

Average Resource Utilisation (Last 90 Days)

Percentage representation of Resource Hours Booked divided by Resource Hours Available.

Hours Used / Hours Available

Value of bookable hours available / utilised within the last 90 days.

Top 10 Group Exercise Classes (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting the top 10 most popular group exercise classes in the last 90 days.

Top 10 Bookers (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting the top 10 most prolific bookers of any booking type in the last 90 days.

Group Exercise: Bookee % Occupancy

Percentage representation of class occupancy (bookees) within the last 90 days.

Group Exercise: Attendee Percentage

Percentage representation of class attendance (attendees) within the last 90 days.

Standard Account Booking Debt

Value of all outstanding overdue booking debt on the Standard Account within the last 90 days.

Invoicing Account Booking Debt

Value of all outstanding overdue booking debt on the Invoicing Account within the last 90 days.

Top 10 Non Attendees (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting the top 10 most prolific non-attendees of any booking type in the last 90 days.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data


View your booking attendance ratio at a glance by using the Bookings Attended widget in the Bookings Dashboard. Use the Drill Down to examine the data and view the worst offenders by Activity Group, Activity and Contact record. Download the data into CSV for further analysis or potential utilisation with third party marketing applications for communications direct to customers.

Digital Journey

Examine the Booking Online Vs In Centre widget to gage booking methodologies and adoption of digital technology. Investigate which Activity Group is receiving the greatest number of online bookings. Utilise the Bookings by Booked Time widget to view which times of day online bookings are most prolific and measure the effect of configuration such as Midnight Offset.

Group Exercise Analysis

Assess your Group Exercise programme by reviewing your Bookee % Occupancy and Attendee % widgets along with the subsequent Drill Down behind the values. Providing vital information, the Drill Down summarises Group Exercise classes by site, date and time. Each class will include the Max Bookees, Total Bookees, Total Attendees, Total No Shows and an individual Attendee % with conditional formatting using red (under 34%), orange (between 34% and 67%) and green (above 67%). The Attendee % column based upon the Total Attendees divided by the Max Bookees provides a simple summary of classes performing well, average or below average.

Configuration Dashboard

Maintain a handle on configuration by reviewing Cost Centres, Departments, Products, Price Levels and Timebands. Tables are available to summarise configured Usage values and Product pricing. If preferring to view a complete price list, download the Product Price Configuration table and view in another application.

Configuration Dashboard Widgets

Products in Use

Total number of Products where a transaction has been recorded.

Product List

List of all Products where a transaction has been recorded.

Departments in use

Total number of Departments where a transaction has been recorded.

Department List

List of all Departments where a transaction has been recorded.

Cost Centres in use

Total number of Cost Centres where a transaction has been recorded.

Cost Centre List

List of all Cost Centres where a transaction has been recorded.

Price Levels in use

Total number of Price Levels used within the database configuration.

Price Level List

List of all Price Levels used within the database configuration.

Time Bands in use

Total number of Time Bands used within the database configuration.

Time Band List

List of all Time Bands used within the database configuration.

Product Usage Configuration

Table highlighting the Usage value allocated to each Product.

Product Price Configuration

Table highlighting each Product by Price Level and Time Band.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data

Review pricing structure

Identifying prices for products can be time consuming and require lots of scrolling and button clicks. Using the Product Price Configuration widget inside the Configuration Dashboard, Products and their prices by Time Band and Price Level are available within a simple and convenient table which may be exported if required. Users may also make use of the Filters available to isolate specific Products, Departments or Cost Centres.

Verify your financial configuration

Products, Departments and Cost Centres provide a vital role within financial reporting allowing users to collate transactions into appropriate groupings. Utilise the widgets within the Configuration Dashboard to identify current allocations and ensure reporting accuracy.

Pulse alerts for new Price Levels or Time Bands

The creation of additional Price Levels and Timebands will have a substantial impact on configuration. Apply threshold Pulse Notifications against ‘Price Levels In Use’ and ‘Timebands In use’ Widgets to receive updates should their values change.

Contacts Dashboard

The Contacts Dashboard contains a selection of widgets providing demographic information such as contact ID, name, age, gender, location and marketing preferences. Using the Dashboard interactivity, users may select an attribute (e.g. Age Group) and profile that selection across other widgets on the same Dashboard to learn more about those individuals. Visibility over demographic data supports businesses who wish to better understand their current market or break into a new one.    

Contacts Dashboard Widgets

Total Contact Records / Number of Sites

Total number of all contact records and configured sites in the database.

Contacts With Subscription

Total number of all contact records in the database with a current subscription represented as a total number and as a percentage of all contact records.

Contacts Without Subscription

Total number of all contact records in the database without a current subscription represented as a total number and as a percentage of all contact records.

Contacts With No Interaction

Total number of all contact records in the database with no recorded interactions within the last 6 months or more, represented as a total number and as a percentage of all contact records. An interaction is recorded when the contact registers either an attendance, a booking or a sale (non-subscription related).

Contacts by Age Group

Percentage representation of all contact records in the database by Age Group.

Contacts by Age Gender

Percentage representation of all contact records in the database by Gender.

Contacts by Status

Percentage representation of all contact records in the database by Status.

Contacts by Price Level

Percentage representation of all contact records in the database by Price Level.

Contact Average Age

Average age (by date of birth) of all contact records in the database.

New Contacts Created Online

Contact records created via the online joining application in the last 90 days.

New Contacts Created in Centre

Contacts records created by any User that is not the online joining application in that last 90 days.

New Contacts Created (Last 3 Years)

Graphical representation of contact records added within the last 3 years.

Contact Home Town Heat Map

Geographical representation of all contact records by Home Town and Country.

Contacts without a Mobile

Total number of all contact records in the database with a blank Mobile telephone value.

Contacts without an Email

Total number of all contact records in the database with a blank Email Address value.

Contacts without an Address

Total number of all contact records in the database with a blank Address.

Correspondence Raised

Total number of Correspondence messages (Office, Reception, Note) created within the last 90 days.

Contacts (User Field Data)

Total Number of Contact Records with a Drill Down providing data contained within User Fields 1 through 50.

Marketing: Consented to Email

Contact records who have consented to the Email Media Type.

Marketing: Consented to SMS

Contact records who have consented to the SMS Media Type.

Marketing: Consented to Mail

Contact records who have consented to the Mail Media Type.

Marketing: Consented to Telephone

Contact records who have consented to the Telephone Media Type.

Marketing: Consented to Social Media

Contact records who have consented to the Social Media Type.

Campaigns (Where Applicable)

Where Campaigns are configured, the graphical representation shows the total number of contacts opted into each category.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data

Re-engagement Strategies

Using the ‘Contacts With No Interaction’ Widget, identify contact records who have lapsed in their engagement. Target these contacts with personalized campaigns to encourage them to return, perhaps offering a limited-time promotion or a special incentive to visit.

Subscription Analysis

Track subscription rates and demographic trends to identify which membership types or age groups are most or least engaged. You can then develop more targeted offerings or new programs that cater to these segments.

Data Accuracy Review

If you notice a large proportion of your database have missing contact details (e.g. no email or mobile number), consider a campaign to update and fill these gaps, ensuring you are able to reach as many customers as possible. Alternatively, consider your Data Protection obligations and review what data you wish to keep and what you may wish to purge.

Prospecting Dashboard

Recording and nurturing Leads and Prospects along their journey is the premise of the Prospecting Dashboard. Identify and record contact records as they enter the prospecting process and advance along their journey. View and report on interactions such as appointments and calls and see their outcomes all in one place. Report on a per user basis raising and completing the most interactions with successful outcomes.

Prospecting Dashboard Widgets

Total Leads

All contact records with a Status of Lead.

Total Prospects

All contact records with a Status of Prospect.

New Leads Current Month / Last Month

All contact records with a Status of Lead added in this current month verses last month.

Lead to Prospect

Number of contact records promoted from Lead to Prospect in the current month.

New Prospects Current Month / Last Month

All contact records with a Status of Prospect added in this current month verses last month.

Lead to Current

Number of contact records promoted from Lead to Current in the current month.

Prospect to Current

Number of contact records promoted from Prospect to Current in the current month.

Leads & Prospects Added This Month (By User ID)

All contact records with a Status of Lead or Prospect added in the last 90 days by User ID.

Leads & Prospects Added Month On Month (Last 3 Years)

All contact records with a Status of Lead or Prospect added in the last 36 months by User ID.

Total Interactions

Total number of interactions with a Scheduled Date of this month.

Total Calls

Total number of Call interactions with a Scheduled Date of this month.

Total Appointments

Total number of Appointment interactions with a Scheduled Date of this month.

Total Tasks

Total number of Task interactions with a Scheduled Date of this month.

Overdue Interactions

Total number of all interactions with an Overdue status.

Unassigned Interactions

Total number of all interactions with an Unassigned status.

Completed Interactions (Last 3 Years)

Total number of all completed interactions within the last 36 months by Interaction type.

Total Tours Current Month / Last Month

Total number of Appointment Tours with a Scheduled Date of this month verses last month.

Total Tours Completed Current Month / Last Month

Total number of completed Appointment Tours with a Scheduled Date of this month verses last month.

% Tours Resulting in Joined

Total number of completed Appointment Tours with a Scheduled Date of the last 90 days that resulted in a Joined outcome.

Total Calls Current Month / Last Month

Total number of completed Calls with a Scheduled Date of this month verses last month.

Total Calls Completed Current Month / Last Month

Total number of Calls with a Scheduled Date of this month verses last month.

% Calls Resulting in Joined

Total number of completed Calls with a Scheduled Date of the last 90 days that resulted in a Joined outcome.

Completed Tours by User ID

Total number of completed Appointment Tours by User ID with a Scheduled Date of the last 90 days.

Completed Appointment Tours Outcomes

Outcomes from completed Appointment Tours with a Scheduled Date of the last 90 days.

Completed Calls by User ID

Total number of completed Calls by User ID with a Scheduled Date of the last 90 days.

Completed Call Outcomes

Outcomes from completed Calls with a Scheduled Date of the last 90 days.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data

Prospect Journey

Keep up-to-date with contact record movement from new Leads and Prospects to promotions via Status changes. Using the Widgets and Drill Downs available, staff can track contacts on their prospecting journey to help ensure a successful outcome.

Stay in-touch

Prevent contacts from falling through the cracks by monitoring widgets such as Overdue Interactions and Unassigned Interactions.

Celebrate Success

Utilise Widgets such as ‘% Tours Resulting in Joining’ or ‘% Calls Resulting in Joining’ to measure success and celebrate positive outcomes from appointment or telephone interactions.

Sales Dashboard

Providing an array of widgets, the Sales Dashboard is one of the largest and most comprehensive. Sales from a high level, or wishing to drill into transactions on a line by line basis, there is a widget for all purposes. Stay on top of debt and monitor as it moves around the aged debt wheel. Reconcile your daily payments and download to view them in a preferred format if required. Dive into the Direct Debit run and view individual customers and products that make up the submission or rejection reports.

Sales Dashboard Widgets

Gross Sales Current Month / Last Month

Gross sales with a status date of the current month verses last month.

Voids Current Month / Last Month

Sum of transactions with a Void status and a status date of the current month verses last month.

Credit Note Current Month / Last Month

Sum of transactions with a Credit Note status and a status date of the current month verses last month.

Gross Income (Month on Month)

Representation of Gross income over the last 36 months including a trend.

Gross Income (Year on Year)

Representation of Gross income over the last 36 months comparing year by year.

Current Aged Debt (Days)

Summary of debt by age represented as a percentage.

Standard Account total debt

Gross amount of all debt on the Standard Account.

Invoicing Account total debt

Gross amount of all debt on the Invoicing Account.

Total Subscription debt

Gross amount of all debt with a Sales Type of Subscriptions.

Sales Raised By site(s) (Current Month)

Gross sales over the last 90 days by site(s).

Standard Account Top 10 Product Sales (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting the top 10 most commonly sold products within the last 90 days.

Sales by Payment Method

Chart depicting all sales over the last 30 days by Payment Method.

Sales by Status (Last 90 Days)

Chart depicting all sales over the last 90 days by site(s) focusing on Paid, Void and Credit Note.

Online Sales (Last 90 Days)

Value of all sales processed by the online platforms system.

Sales At Site (Last 90 Days)

Value of all sales processed at site(s).

Subscription Sales (Last 90 Days)

Value of all sales processed with a Sales Type of Subscriptions.

Reconciliation Reports - Sales (Yesterday)

Value of all sales with a Status Date of yesterday.

Reconciliation Reports - Sales (Current Month)

Value of all sales with a Status Date of this month.

Reconciliation Reports - Sales (Last 90 Days)

Value of all sales with a Status Date within the last 90 days.

Reconciliation Reports - Sales (Year to Date)

Value of all sales with a Status Date within the current year.

Reconciliation Reports - Sales Extract

Value of all sales with a Status Date of yesterday to assist and support Data Extract reconciliation.

Reconciliation Reports - Bookings Income (Yesterday)

Value of all sales with a Participation Date of yesterday by Participation Site.

Invoice Sales (Last 90 Days)

Numeric indicator representing all Paid sales within the last 90 Days where Printed Invoice ID is greater than 0.

Payments (Yesterday)

Value of allocated payments with a received date of yesterday.

Direct Debit Collection

Graphical representation of DD income based on Status Date and Status of Paid.

Direct Debit Rejection

Graphical representation of DD rejections based on Status Date of this month and a Status of Credit Note.

Cashless Account Balance

A summary of current Cashless account balances per contact record.

Cashless Transactions (Current Month)

A summary of transactions within the Cashless account within this current month.

Customers Topping Up (Last 90 Days)

A summary of customer top ups onto their Cashless accounts over the last 90 days.

Live Promo Codes

Total number of live Promotional Codes based on the configured Valid From and Valid To date range.

Promo Code Sales (Last 90 Days)

Total number of subscriptions with a Creation Date in the last 90 days and a Promotional Code applied.

Promo Code Usage Last 90 Days

Total number of subscriptions with a Creation Date in the last 90 days and a Promotional Code applied, represented as a percentage of all subscriptions created in the same time frame.

Last 12 Months

Total number of subscription sales with a Status Date of the last 12 months including the current month by Promotion Code.

Promotions Ending (Next 90 Days)

Total number of subscription with a Promotion End Date within the next 90 days.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data

Reconcile POS or Online transactions

When reconciling against your POS Readings or eCommerce transactions, the ‘Payments (Yesterday)’ Widget provides a standard Drill Down containing vital reports. These include a detailed overview, summary of transactions by day and grand totals by Cost Centre, Department, Product and Payment Method. As the widget summarises data from the Payments tables, unpaid transactions are already excluded for convenience and expedience.

Promotional Code usage

Measuring the impact of promotional codes has never been easier. Utilising the available Widgets beneath the Promotional Codes section, users may assess a range of statistics. These include how many codes are currently active, count of sales over a period where promotional codes have been utilised, and how many contacts have promotions ending soon.

Product profiling

If you want to understand your products and who’s purchasing them, the ‘Standard Account Top 10 Product Sales’ can offer an insight. Opening the Drill Down behind the widget will summarise Sales by Hour, Day, Location, Age and Gender among others reports.

Subscriptions Dashboard

View each subscription and learn more about the contact records who hold them. From daily subscription totals, yield, new and expiring subscription counts and average length of stay, to demographics such as days from last interaction, gender and age group. Review the duration and credit remaining on lump sum subscriptions. Also available is the ability to view the secondary spend for subscription holders and learn more about what they like to purchase.

Subscriptions Dashboard Widgets

Direct Debit Subscriptions

Total of all current subscriptions allocated a Direct Debit payment method.

R C P Subscriptions

Total of all current subscriptions allocated an RCP payment method.

Cash Subscriptions

Total of all current subscriptions allocated a Cash payment method.

Average Direct Debit Yield (Monthly)

Average value of all current Direct Debit subscriptions monthly.

Average R C P Yield (Monthly)

Average value of all current RCP subscriptions monthly.

Average Cash Yield (Monthly)

Average value of all current Cash subscriptions monthly.

Direct Debit Value (Monthly)

Sum of sales with a Direct Debit payment method due this month.

R C P Value (Monthly)

Sum of current RCP monthly values.

Average Cash Subscription Value

Based on Subscription Value and contains a drill down providing lump sum subscription forecasting.

New Subscriptions (Current Month)

Count of new subscriptions with an Original Start Date in the current month.

Expiring Subscriptions (Current Month)

Count of subscriptions with an End Date in the current month.

Expired Before Earliest End Date

Count of expired subscriptions before their earliest end date (where applicable).

Expiring Before Earliest End Date

Count of expiring subscriptions before their earliest end date (where applicable).

New Subscriptions by Payment Method (Last 90 Days)

Count of subscriptions with an Original Start Date in the last 90 days by Payment Method.

New Subscriptions (Last Month vs Current Month)

Graphical representation of new subscriptions added last month vs the current month by site.

Expired Subscriptions (Last Month vs Current Month)

Graphical representation of subscriptions expired last month vs the current month by site.

Current Subscriptions by Payment Method

Percentage of current subscriptions by Payment Method.

Direct Debit Fee %

Percentage of current subscriptions by Payment Method.

Current Subscriptions by site(s)

Count of current subscriptions by Payment Method and site(s).

Current Subscriptions by Gender

Percentage of current subscriptions by Gender

Current Subscriptions by Age Group

Percentage of current subscriptions by Age Group.

Average Age

Average age of current subscription holders.

Contacts on a Frozen Status

Distinct count of current subscription holders with a Frozen Status.

Days Since Last Interaction (0-6 Days)

Distinct count of current subscription holder with interactions between 0 - 6 days.

Days Since Last Interaction (7-27 Days)

Distinct count of current subscription holder with interactions between 7-27 days.

Days Since Last Interaction (28 + Days)

Distinct count of current subscription holder with interactions between 28 - 182 days.

Days Since Last Interaction (No Interactions)

Distinct count of current subscription holder with no interactions.

Current members by Site

Count of Contacts with a Current Subscription by Site.

Current members total

Count of Contacts with a Current Subscription.

Top 10 Current Subscriptions

Top 10 Subscriptions by number of members.

Top 10 Subscriptions by Average Length of Stay

Top 10 most popular current subscriptions by their average Length of Stay (LOS). Average LOS is represented in Days, Months & Years.

Bottom 10 Subscriptions by Average Length of Stay

Bottom 10 least popular current subscriptions by their average Length of Stay (LOS). Average LOS is represented in Days, Months & Years.

Sales by Priority 1 Subscription Holders (Last 30 Days)

The Gross amount of paid sales (subscription product sales excluded) by Priority 1 Subscription holders over the previous 30 days.

Live Promo Codes

Promotion Codes currently live based on Valid From and Valid To dates.

Promo Code Sales (Last 90 Days)

Total number of subscription sales with a Status Date in the last 90 days and a Promotional Code applied.

Promo Code Usage (Last 90 Days)

Total number of subscriptions with a Creation Date in the last 90 days and a Promotional Code applied, represented as a percentage of all subscriptions created in the same time period.

Promo Code (Last 12 Months)

Total number of subscription sales with a Status Date of the last 12 months including the current month by Promotion Code.

Promotions Ending (Next 90 Days)

Total number of subscriptions where the Promotion Code applied is about to end.

Practical Application: How to Use the Data

Paid Upfront Subscriptions

Utilise the Drill Down behind the ‘Average Cash Subscription Value’ widget to learn who has a paid upfront subscription. Discover how long they have remaining before expiry, the daily and monthly rate and how much of the paid upfront value has been used and is remaining. Data such as this can be helpful when forecasting.

Who are your sleepers

Sleepers are contact records with subscriptions who are not interacting with your business. Within the ‘Days Since Last Interaction’ section, users will see the total count of contact records with a subscription and the number of days since their last attendance, booking or non-subscription spend. Choose to Drill Down into the contact records with little or no interaction and re-engage to minimise churn and maximise retention.

Secondary Spend

Understanding the spending habits of subscription holders after their subscription purchase (primary spend) can be useful. The ‘Sales by Priority 1 Subscription Holders’ Widget provides a Drill Down summarising contacts and their secondary spend. The Widgets provided outline sales by Product, date, time and activity. Using data in this way allows organisations to answer complex queries such as what customers with all-inclusive subscriptions are buying. By reversing the question, identify which subscription holders are buying specific products. Answers to questions such as these can assist businesses to tailor their products and subscriptions to maximise sales and value for money.