GladstoneGo: Group Membership Usage

1. Introduction

This article will walk you through all the options available once linked memberships is setup. Members will be able to:

  • Purchase a group membership
  • Add members to their group
  • Book for their linked members
  • View and cancel linked member bookings

And non-primary linked members who are not juniors can:

  • Prevent primary members from booking for them

2. Purchase a group membership

Consumers who can purchase a group membership include:
  • New members
  • Existing members without a group membership
  • Primary members with an existing group membership
Consumers who cannot purchase a group membership include:
  • Existing non-primary members linked to a group membership
  • Junior members (according to the age of consent set in Operator) 
The purchase flow is based on your Tag setup, however, we recommend including a Membership Type of Group, Joint, Family, etc, to ensure your members can find the right membership with ease.
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During the membership purchase, to remove the barriers to joining, the consumer only needs to enter the primary member's details. Once purchased, the primary member can visit their account to add more people to the membership.

3. Linking members to a group membership

Once purchase, primary member can add other members to their group membership. These can be new or existing members. The only member a primary cannot add are those that are already linked to a different primary member. This includes members in an existing group membership, members linked to others, and existing junior members.

To link a member to a group membership, the primary member should:

  1. Log into their Go Account and select My Account and the Linked tab.
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  2. Select Add Linked Member, enter the member details and select Send Link Request.
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4. Booking for linked members

Once a primary member has other members linked to them, they have the ability by default to book on their behalf. To book on-behalf of a linked member:
  1. From Go Book, search for the class/activity that you are wanting to book and select Book Now.
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  2. Use the toggles to de-select the primary member and select the linked member.
    As you can see if there are price differences between the members based on their active memberships, this will be highlighted.
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  3. Select Book for £ and make any payment required for the class/activity.

The booking will appear in the basket as separate bookings for each member. This provides the ability from the basket to can a member's booking without affecting the booking for others. The primary member can also add more linked members to the booking by editing their own booking in the basket or making a new booking for the same time slot.

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Booking for linked members works alongside group bookings for non-members, so you can book for linked members and non-members at the same time.

5. Viewing linked member bookings and disabling primary member access

As mentioned, the primary member can view their linked member class/activity bookings by default. This is found in their Bookings > My Bookings section of their Account.
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However, if the linked member is an adult, then the linked member can prevent the primary member from booking and viewing their classes/activities. This is done from My Account in the linked members account and will disable the above view: