Set up an alternative name for a price level and assign it to display for your customers when they book at a specific site or for specific activities
There may be times where you want to display an alternative price level name to your customers when they book online for certain activities. For example, you may have a 'Junior' price level, however you want to display this as 'Child (under 5)' for some activities and 'Child (under 7)' for other activities. This feature will allow you to do so without the need to create any additional price levels.
The alternative description you apply in Operator will display across signature products (Connect and Gladstone 360) as well as in GoBook.
Known Limitation
MobilePro currently only supports alternative descriptions that are applied to the overall Site. It currently does not support alternative descriptions applied to a specific activity.
An alternative approach for MobilePro currently available if you want to apply an alternative description to spefici activities, is to configure the alternative price level description in the GMC which will allow you to apply it to an Activity Group at a specific Site.
To configure an alternative description for an Activity Group, go to GMC - Configuration Manager - Configuration - Member Facing Global - Price Level Descriptions and specify your Site and Activity Group.
How to configure an alternative price level description
Log into Operator, then:-
Go to Configuration > Financial > Accounting > Price-levels.
Edit a price level for which you would like to assign an alternative description.
Scroll down to the Alternative Descriptions section and select Add.
Enter the alternative description you want to display, and decide whether you want to apply the description to specific activities only, or to the entire site.
If you're wanting to apply the alternative description to certain activities only, use the search and filter options in the Available Activities section to narrow down the list of activities and select the ones you want.
In the example below, the list of activities showing is based on the search term 'Wet' and the site filter applied 'Cheltenham Leisure Centre'.
If you also want to apply the same alternative description to an entire site, select the relevant site from the Available Sites section.
You do not need to select both the site and the activities, for the same site. If the alternative description applies to all activities at your site, you can just select the site. This will mean your alternative description will apply to all activities at your selected site, unless you have set up an additional alternative description to apply to certain activities only.
You can set up multiple alternative descriptions for the same price level.
Please note: If you apply an alternative description to a site (Site A), and a different alternative description to some activities at the same site (Site A), then the alternative description for activities will take priority.
For example, above Child (Under 5) is set up to apply to 5 activities at Cheltenham Leisure Centre. Additionally Child (Under 7) is set up to apply to Cheltenham Leisure Centre as a whole. This will mean for the 5 selected activities Child (Under 5) will display. Whilst for all other activities at Cheltenham Leisure Centre, Child (Under 7) will display.
When booking online, the alternative price level descriptions will display for the selected activities and sites. For example, below is one of the activities at Cheltenham Leisure Centre which has Child (Under 5) configured, as well as another activity at Cheltenham Leisure Centre displaying Child (Under 7).