Email Manager

Gladstone360 emails


Gladstone360 has two email functions:

  1. Automated emails that will send (if configured) on any of the following actions:
    1. Purchase of a new membership
    2. Freezing of a contact
    3. Extending a freeze
    4. Membership cancellation
    5. Membership cancelled within the cooling-off period
  2. Emails that an operator can choose to send when adding an appointment or call from the Prospects module.

How to configure emails

Before you begin:

Before configuring emails, BPM needs to be installed, running and able to send emails. The URL of your BPM install needs to be add to the GMC>Configuration Manager>Shared Global>System URLS:


Membership Email Configuration:

Configuration can be viewed and edited from GMC>Configuration Manager>Gladstone360 POS/Checkin>Membership Emails:

A from email address must be set. This is the email address that the customer will see in the ‘from’ field.

An override email address can be added as a testing function. If any email address is supplied in this field then all membership emails will be rerouted to that email address and not sent to the intended recipient.

All the membership emails are then listed with the checkbox to turn the automatic sending on/off (default is off). And an option to allow you to view/change the template that is sent:


When clicking the view button next to a template, a new tab will open and redirect you to Email Manager to configure your emails


To edit the template, either click into the main text box and overtype, or use the icons on the left-hand panel to drag in different elements for you to configure. Email manager allows you to quickly add any of the following elements:

  • Titles/subtitles
  • Dividers
  • Text
  • Images
  • Buttons (clickable URL buttons)
  • Image and text blocks
  • Social media icons (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn)  Unsubscribe footer


When editing text, you will see a list of placeholders that are appropriate to the type of email that you are creating:

When editing an image, use the right-hand panel to reference the URL where the image is hosted and to resize the image:

When editing social media icons, use the right-hand settings panel to assign the correct URLs. If any icons are not needed, then removing the URL will remove the icon:

To configure the subject for your email, go to the cog on the top bar of Email Manager and the email settings will appear in the right-hand panel:

When you are finished configuring your email, simply click Save and close the tab to be redirected back to GMC.


New Membership Emails

If GMC is configured to send emails for new memberships then whenever a membership sale is paid for in Gladstone360 POS then the contact will receive an email.  

Note: this will trigger one email per membership sold, including any add-on/£0 subscriptions.

By default, the contact will receive whatever email template is displayed in GMC Configuration>Gladstone360 Checkin Pos/Membership Emails:

However, if you wanted to tailor emails for different subscription types this can be achieved by going to the Emails tab:

Then use the Email Templates section to create a new template (of memberships type). If preferred you may choose to use a copy of an existing template as a base:


On clicking ‘Create new template’, the user will be directed to Email Manager to create the new template. On completion, click save and close the tab to be directed back to GMC. The newly created template will appear in the table of templates, and the user can click ‘properties’ to assign it to one or many subscriptions:

Email Attachments

Gladstone360 allows you to configure one or more attachment to be sent with each email template. To configure a template, go to the Email Attachments section on the Emails Tab:

Gladstone360 ships with one default attachment which is the ‘DirectDebitConfirmation’ template. This is not by default assigned to any templates so will not send, however, a user can choose to use this suggestion as a guide when creating a Direct Debit Confirmation and once it has been amended to include the correct SUN and Company Name can be assigned to any templates that are sent as a result of of a DD membership purchase.


When creating a new attachment the user can choose to either upload a picture/pdf file or to create a templated pdf (with placeholders) using Email Manager:

Once the email attachment has been created it will appear in table of attachments and can be assigned to one or many email templates by clicking the ‘properties’ button on the email attachment:

Prospects emails

To configure the Prospects module to send emails to confirm an Appointment or a Call, configuration can be found in GMC Configuration> Gladstone360 Checkin Pos> Prospects Emails:

A from email address must be set. This is the email address that the customer will see in the ‘from’ field. If required, it can be different to the email address set as the membership emails ‘from address’.

An override email address can be added as a testing function. If any email address is supplied in this field then all prospects emails will be rerouted to that email address and not sent to the intended recipient.

To enable email sending for either calls or appointments, place a tick in the relevant box.

Then move to the Emails tab to amend the default EmailonCall or EmailonAppointment emails, or to create your own templates.


Once configured then on adding an appointment or call to the to-do list then the user will see email confirmation:

Clicking into the Email confirmation modal here:

Will display any available Email templates to select:

Once selected, the user will be redirected back the Appointment/Call modal and it is possible to view the contents of the email by selecting the View button:


The contents of this template will be shown to the user with the placeholder values like so:

If the appointment/call is then saved, then Gladstone360 will send the email to the contact and the placeholder values will be replaced.


Configuring a workflow to always send a specific email template

If you wish to force a user to always send a specific appointment/call template then this can be done by creating a workflow with a correspondence step.

The Email confirmation field will specify the default template and the switch below determines is the user is permitted to change this default when they run the workflow.


Sending emails

Specific trigger points within the Gladstoen360 application will trigger an email to be put on the BPM queue. These trigger points are:

  • Sale of a new membership from the POS module
  • Manually adding an appointment/call to the to-do list in Prospects, provided the user has specified an email confirmation is required at the point of saving.
  • Completion of a workflow that contains an appointment/call step and specifies an email confirmation is required.
  • Completion of a membership cancellation (either in cooling-off period, or via a membership cancellation workflow).
  • Completion of a freeze contact workflow
  • Completion of the extend freeze workflow

Because the emails are put on the BPM queue it can take a number of minutes for the email to send.

What is the contact doesn’t have an email address?

If the user completes an action which is due to send an email, the system will check if the contact has an email address, and if not, it will prompt the user to collect the email address at this point:

If the contact does not wish to receive a confirmation email or does not have a valid email address then the user can select skip and no email will be sent.


Viewing a sent email

Once an email has been sent, then it is visible to the user via the correspondence widget in Check-in.

The status field will indicate if it has been sent successfully.  

If the email had attachments, then this is indicated in the right-hand panel and the user can choose to view these attachments via the view button.

Resending an email

If the email failed to send, or if the recipient did not receive the email then there is a ‘resend email’ function from the view in the correspondence widget.