Track page views and lead conversions at membership sign-up completion as well as booking completion through the Facebook Pixel integration.
Facebook (Meta) Pixel integration allows you to track page views and lead conversions at membership sign-up as well as at booking completion. To do so, all you require is a Facebook (Meta) Business account. If you do not have one, you can create one at the following link - Meta Business Account Creation.
Facebook (Meta) Pixel Setup
From the Meta Business Manager Home:
- Select the Settings icon (cog) in the lower left corner.
- Select Data Sources > Pixels from the Menu.
- Select Add and provide a unique name for the Pixel.
- Select Set up the pixel now, followed by Cancel on the following page.
- Add your User to the Pixel so it can be managed. This is done by selecting the Pixel in the left menu and then selecting Add People.
- Select the desired user from the left panel and then toggle both options to the right (on), and select Assign.
- Underneath the new Pixel you have created, there will be an ID, which is your unique code for pixel tracking. Copy this code for the next step.
GladstoneGo Setup
Now you have your Facebook pixel is setup, the copied ID needs to be assigned within Operator.
- Go to Configuration > Modules > Configure > Facebook Pixel Key and select Manage.
- Enter your Pixel ID in the All Sites value or if you are using multiple ID's for tracking different sites, enter the ID in the relevant site and select Save.