GladstoneGo: Deep Links for Activity and Class bookings

If your want to drive consumers to specific activities or classes through marketing, then the Gladstone Go deep links are a great tool to support this.

A deep link is essentially a URL that contains all the required parameters to pre-configure a booking request.

There are different deep link formats for activities and classes.

Activity deep links

A standard activity deep link format looks like this:

https://<domain><Activity ID>?activityDate=<yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss.000>Z

The parameters that are set by you when creating a deep link are in <> brackets above. To set up an embedded URL, understanding the parameters involved is essential as they are mandatory for any booking to appear.

  • Domain - Your environment domain.
  • Activity ID - This is the ID of the deep link activity being advertised. The Activity ID can be found in Go Operator in Configuration > Bookings and Reservations > Activity Management > Activities.
  • Activity Date <yyyy-mm-dd> – The date of the activity booking that you are linking to. It must be entered in the 'year - month - day' format.
    • This is an optional parameter, removing the activity date from the URL will present your customer with the next available booking for the selected Activity ID. If you remove the date, you must also remove the time.
  • Activity Time <hh:mm:ss.000> – The time of the activity booking that you are linking to on the date above. It must be entered in the 'hour : minute : second : millisecond' format.
    • This is an optional parameter, removing the time from the URL will provide the consumer with a list of all time slots for the activity on the specified date. 



Class deep links

Class deep links are restricted to specific class bookings and use the same URL that customers are directed to when selecting a class in Go Book. For this reason it is easiest to find the class in Go Book and simply copy the URL. This should be done without being logged into a member account.

  1. Go to Go Book and search for the class.
  2. Click Book now on the session you want to link to.
  3. Copy the URL.

A standard class deep link format looks like this:

https://<domain><yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss>Z&activityGroupId=<Group ID>&activityId=<Activity ID>&activityStartTime=<yyyy-mm-dd>T<hh:mm:ss>Z&locationId=<location ID>&siteId=<site ID>

Please note: You can only deep link to a class which can currently be booked.