Data Security

All information related to data security within the Gladstone Cloud platform

Where is the data in Gladstone Cloud stored?

All data in Gladstone Cloud is stored in the Azure UK South data centre which is located in London and is classed as a public cloud. We are fully aware of our customer requirements to make sure data is stored in the UK and therefore we chose giving our customers confidence and peace of mind about their data being in the UK over saving money in an offshore data centre. Azure UK South is a tier 3 data centre and provides the most secure & robust offerings available. You can find out more about the compliance Azure adhere to here:

Do you allow the use of custom SSL certificates?

No - we provision our own SSL certificates which are assigned to customer environments and managed by Gladstone. This is to take the responsibility of managing this off our customers enabling them to concentrate on other things without worrying about a certificate expiring! For our signature platform, we can offer to link your environment with your custom domain without you needing to provide an SSL certificate. This feature is currently under development in GladstoneGo.

Is my data secure?

Gladstone Cloud uses the most up to date encryption for all data in our platform. We are hosted in Azure with both the environment and data encrypted at all times. Your data encrypted at rest using Microsoft latest encryption standards and also replicated across 3 availability zones to ensure resilience and uptime. The Gladstone Cloud platform also uses the latest SQL server engines which enable us to tag and track all sensitive information within the platform for security and monitoring purposes. A full report of what is tracked and monitored can be provided on request.

How is my data separated from others on your platform? 

All customer data is logically separated from others in the platform. Each customer is provided their own isolated SQL instance protected from any cross database issues and stored in a logical SQL server group. As a standard offering, we use Azure UK South (London) as our primary location. We utilise Azure SQL which is a PaaS offering from Microsoft. To see more on this, please click here. A big concern of many customers is performance and how their environment will be effected by others. To prevent the 'noisy neighbour' effect, we have hard controls in place against every single environment on the platform which means no customer can consume all resources assigned to the platform - this way we can be confident all customers using the cloud platform will experience optimum performance at all times.

Do you back up my data for me?

As your data is the heart of your business we take this very seriously. Therefore, when using the Gladstone Cloud platform your data is backed up every 6 minutes making sure that there is very little lost in case of any corruption issues. We store all data backups for 7 days and to make sure we are covered in case of any issues we even store monthly snapshots and yearly snapshots just in case! So this being in place will make sure that whatever happens, your data is safe on our cloud platform.

Do you track changes to my data?

The Gladstone Cloud platform was not created as just a new product, as part of this platform we set to address a number of concerns customers had around their environments and one of these was tracking changes to data. Therefore as part of the cloud platform we now track every single change made on every table within your environment. We are now proud to have a fully audited database at a row level which separates creation and modified events to allow for full visibility of changes taking place.

In the unlikely event of a data breach, how am I notified?

Gladstone Cloud is designed with security at its heart and everything is designed to prevent this from happening. In the unlikely event we have a breach on your environment, you will be notified within 24 hours of it being confirmed. We have a robust internal process which details the actions we need to take when this happens as part of our ISO27001 certification.

Do you offer the 'right to be forgotten'?

Yes, this is a service we can offer as part of our data offerings. Our products have a purge functionality built in but sometimes we get requests to go further than this. Our in house data team can manage these requests for you.

Who owns the data when hosted in Gladstone Cloud?

You remain the owner of the data and remain as the data controller in relation to GDPR. Gladstone will host and monitor your data and environment when hosted with us but the data remains under your ownership at all times.