Configure a receipt printer for Plus2 or Gladstone360

How to add a receipt printer to Plus2 or Gladstone360


  • Log in to Plus2 and go to Configuration along the top > System > My Computer > PointOfSale tab

    NOTE: If this is greyed out for you you will need someone with a Plus2 account with higher permissions to log in and do this for you

  • Select your Epson Receipt printer as your Primary printer
    Set the Font to A11 if available on the list, and the Font Size to 8 or 9
  • Click Save

    You may need to log out and back in for this to take effect


  • Log in to Gladstone360 and select the POS module
  • Go to the cog in the top right corner and click on Printers
  • Select your Epson Receipt printer as your Primary printer
  • Set the Font to A11 if available on the list, and the Font Size to 8 or 9
  • Click Save


    NOTE: You cannot use a printer in Plus2 if the printer is also being used in Gladstone360 on the same PC. This is due to the Gladstone360 hardware service using the printer in the background.


Have trouble with your A4 style printer instead?

Go here:  <URL Placeholder>